Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

"GemmoBlasts" Berbahan Buah Tiin

Nama dagang
GemmoBlasts ®

Deskripsi :

Ini adalah merupakan kosmetik baru ekstrak organik bebas pengawet, produksi Perancis, bersertifikat organik dari Ecocert, dengan memperhatikan ekosistem.

• GemmoSlim ® dibuat dari kuncup buah Tiin (Ficus carica) yang bermanfaat aktif untuk melangsingkan

• GemmoDrain ® dibuat dari Sorbus domestica, bermanfaat aktif untuk mengaktifkan sirkulasi darah

• GemmoCalm ® dibuat dari kuncup blackcurrant Eropa (Ribes nigrum) bermanfaat aktif untuk mengobati kerusakan kulit

Di sisi lain produk Gemmo untuk kesulitan psikosomatik, sebagai berikut :

Ficus carica 125ml
For Psychosomatic difficulties, Colitis.

Ficus Carica is a multifunctional remedy whose main action is on the maturation of blocked biological phenomena such as infections, thrombosis, sclerosis, and necrosis. It is effective when the symptoms are caused by external or internal stress.

Ficus also has an effect on the cell maturation of the autonomic nervous system and can be used for hypotrophy of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Due to its general hypocoagulant action and its action on dyslipidemia, it is also effective in the treatment of certain types of atherosclerosis with hypoglobulinemia, especially for patients who have deficiencies in assimilation.

Ficus is also an important remedy for ulcers and gastritis. This remedy is indicated for conditions such as obsessive and anxious neurosis, gastric and peptic ulcers, psychosomatic difficulties, and facial neuralgia.

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