Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Unyil dan Usro' Berkunjung di Taman Tiin

Ahad 27 Juni 2010, Taman Tiin telah kedatangan tamu kehormatan dan istimewa dari Trans/7 yang membawa rombongan bang Unyil dan kawan-kawan untuk penyiapan Program Acara "Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur dan Si Unyil"

Sangat berkesan bagi kami dan masyarakat Desa Pacet, karena kami dapat secara langsung bisa menyapa bang Unyil dan bang Usro' yang ingin meninjau Taman Tiin

Terima kasih ya bang ... atas kunjungannya di Taman Tiin, mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan kami dan salam hangat buat teman-teman Trans/7

Informasi :

Acara "Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur dan Si Unyil" berkaitan dengan Buah-buahan termasuk Buah Tiin telah ditayangkan oleh Trans/7 di bulan suci Ramadhan pada hari Jum'at, 03 September 2010 pukul 17.00 wib, terima kasih untuk semuanya

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Herbal Treatment of Diabetes

Buah Tiin, merupakan salah satu herbal yang insya Allah dapat membantu untuk penderita Diabetes.

Simak tulisan di bawah ini :

Your Diabetes Cure

What Doctors say about Diabetes

Ficus Carica
Herbal Treatment of Diabetes
January 23rd, 2010

Since the old times, herbal treatment of diabetes has been widely applied owing to the herbs that possess therapeutic value. New scientific searches have evidenced the effectivity of herbal treatment of diabetes. Even after the successful investigations and application of innovative techniques in treating diabetes, people sometimes remain more satisfied with the herbal treatment of diabetes.

It is astonishing to recognise how these herbaceous plants, some of which we ingest day-to-day with our diet, may lead to such exceptional results indiabetes fightproducing effective curative outcomes when treating this dangerous killer disease like diabetes.

The use of herbaceous plants likewise permits to balance the traditionally applied treatments such as insulin, synthetic drugs, transplantation, diet and exercise. Present is a list of herbs and plant derivatives that have mostly been practiced traditionally in the treatment of diabetes. From scientific point of view, these herbs have also been established to produce positive curative effects.

Ficus carica: Ficus carica, likewise known as fig-leaf, acts as popular herbal treatment for diabetes in Spain and South-western Europe.

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